


Marburg virus disease|13 November 2024|Rwanda
The highest number of confirmed cases (61) were reported in the first three epidemiological weeks (week 39-41) of the outbreak. This was followed by a sharp decline, with three or less cases reported between epidemiological week 42 (14 to 20 October), and 44 (28 October to 3 November).

Epidemiological Update Avian Influenza A(H5N1) in the Americas Region – 15 November 2024 |18 Nov 2024 |Pan American Health Organization
The Pan American Health Organization / World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) urges Member States to continue strengthening their cross-sectoral capacities for the detection and timely response to outbreaks in animal populations, including birds and mammals, as well as to potential human infections. In addition, PAHO/WHO invites Member States to share viruses with WHO Collaborating Centers in both the health and agricultural sectors to support risk analysis and to have candidate vaccine viruses.

Epidemiological Alert Detection of clade I of mpox in the Americas Region – 19 November 2024|19 Nov 2024 |Pan American Health Organization
In view of the recent identification of the first imported case of mpox virus clade I in the Americas Region, the Pan American Health Organization / World Health Organization (PAHO/WHO) reiterates to the Member States to remain vigilant to the possibility of introduction of this variant in the countries of the Region, to continue with their surveillance efforts including genomic sequencing of the detected cases, with special emphasis on high-risk groups.

Protecting at-risk populations from mpox in the Democratic Republic of the Congo|21 November 2024|African Region
The Democratic Republic of the Congo is the hardest hit country in the African region by mpox outbreak, accounting for about 80% of laboratory-confirmed cases and deaths reported across the continent this year. While mpox is primarily transmitted through close physical contact, it can affect anyone. Vulnerable populations are at a heightened risk of infection and severe illness.